HSC Research and Development www.research.hscni.net




For up to date information on HSC R&D Division please click on the banner above


The work of HSC R&D is based on the principle that the best health and social care must be underpinned by knowledge, based on well conducted research, which can then be applied in the delivery of care.

HSC R&D does not ‘do’ research, but we work to support research that provides high quality evidence to improve care for patients, clients and the general population, and adds to our understanding of health, disease, treatment and care. This involves supporting researchers based in Northern Ireland as well as those in Health and Social Care Trusts or other bodies who use the outputs from research findings.

While the effectiveness of research performance and application depends ultimately on the skill and ability of individual researchers and users of research, the HSC R&D Division ensures that researchers can work within an environment that supports, encourages and facilitates them.

For example HSC R&D Division:

  • funds essential infrastructure for research such as information databanks, tissue banks, clinical research facilities clinical trials units and research networks
  • builds research capacity in Northern Ireland through research training opportunities
  • enables research governance processes to be as efficient as possible
  • creates opportunities for researchers to compete for research funding on a wider UK or international basis
  • supports innovation as a means of transferring HSC R&D findings into practice
  • ensures personal and public involvement (PPI) in HSC R&D

We work closely with:

  • clinical and academic researchers based in Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCTs) and universities;
  • policy-makers in the DHSSPS;
  • practitioners throughout HSCTs;
  • staff in other HSC bodies;
  • members of the public, including patients and clients.

HSC R&D Division has a local focus and works in partnership with other public sector organisations, charities and businesses that are involved in health and social care research across Northern Ireland. Yet HSC R&D acknowledges that health and social care research is a global endeavour, and so, also forms effective partnerships and close working relationships with our counterparts in the other UK administrations and internationally, in particular in Ireland, the rest of the European Union and the United States of America. These partnerships are vital to the funding and delivery of our programmes and initiatives.

HSC R&D Division is currently headed up by Dr Janice Bailie, Assistant Director HSC R&D. It is part of the Public Health Directorate led by Dr Carolyn Harper, Director of Public Health (DPH). The DPH and HSC R&D Division are also supported by Professor Ian Young in the joint role of Director of R&D for the HSC and Chief Scientific Advisor to the DHSSPS. An R&D Strategic Advisory Group is in place to advise the Director of R&D. To view more information on the group click HSC R&D Strategic Advisory Group.pdf

For further information on HSC R&D Division please see our main website: www.research.hscni.net